The USC operates two locked, self-serve phone charging stations located at the fourth floor University Centre and at Tory Tunnel Junction. Contact us at 613-520-4066,, or by dropping by our office in University Centre 314 if you experience any issues with either device!
Please note that the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), the Unified Support Centre (USC), and Carleton University are not liable for any lost, damaged, or inoperable devices resulting from use of the CBL-008W phone chargers.
The USC audits and restocks all CUSA first aid kits on a bi-annual basis, ensuring all CUSA service centres, offices, and businesses have a stocked and accessible first aid kit. Please contact us at if a CUSA first aid kit does not contain an item listed on the kit inventory list located on the inside of the lid.
ASIST is a comprehensive, two day course consisting of audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations designed to teach you how to help someone with thoughts or plans of suicide. You will learn how to recognize signs of suicide, provide a skilled intervention, and develop a safety plan to help someone choose to stay alive. The ASIST framework, and its instructors, are regulated by LivingWorks.
Members of the Carleton community can register for an upcoming course by completing the ASIST Registration Form! Please email the USC team at with any inquiries.
USC Foot Patrol teams patrol campus in the evenings. Don’t hesitate to say hi or request a safe walk!
The USC completes semesterly safety surveys of the interior and exterior of Carleton University, reporting hazards and other safety issues to Carleton University’s Joint Health and Safety Committee, Facilities Management and Planning, and Campus Safety Services through a comprehensive, itemized list.
Please note that Carleton University’s Joint Health and Safety Committee is primarily responsible for ensuring the safety of Carleton University’s campus. The USC conducts our semesterly safety surveys to provide a student-oriented perspective of campus conditions, using our volunteer base to identify and raise awareness of a variety of potential hazards. We encourage any member of the Carleton University community to submit on-campus health and safety concerns to Carleton University’s CU Worksafe Guest Portal’s Good Catch Report.
The USC distributes a variety of visibility, safety, and school related supplies and informational materials with the support of our partners at DrinkSmart and Safer Roads Ottawa. Interested in a mini-first aid kit, snap on visibility bracelets, or some extra highlighters? Drop by our office during our operational hours! Please note that available items may change over time.